Take action

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“Beyond this, those who disparage the threat of nuclear weapons ignore all evidence of the darker side of man, and of the history of the West—our history. Many times the nations of the West have plunged into inexplicable cataclysm, mutual slaughter so terrible and so widespread that it amounted nearly to the suicide of a civilization. . . . The destruction of two World Wars was limited only by technology. Now nuclear weapons have removed that limit. Who can say that they will not be used, that a rational balance of terror will restrain emotions we do not understand?”

— Robert F. Kennedy in his book To Seek a Newer World.

Take Action

1) The first and most important step to take is to educate yourself and others. If you can't win a debate with your friends, how can you persuade strangers or members of Congress? This website has materials you can study--talking points, responses to common objections, links to scholarly articles, and others--and more will be continually added.

2) Talk to the people you know. Talk to your friends and family. Find out what they think and why they believe what they do. Then work steadily to persuade them. Social movements are both large and personal at the same time. Everyone in a large movement knows someone else in that movement, someone they respect and feel loyal to. Whatever corner of the world you are in build a part of that movement.

3) Use your channel. We all have a channel to other people--Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, and other social media. No matter how large or small your platform you can use it to spread your knowledge and ideas. You know your friends and followers--you are the person best qualified to know how to persuade them.

4) Then expand into larger spheres. Write to your local newspaper. Call your representatives at every level of government--local, state and national. It's their job to listen to what you think. Let them know.

5) Keep in touch with us. We will be launching campaigns and events and smaller scale actions. We want to you be a part of that. Together we are going to rid the world of one of the greatest curses that human beings have ever mistakenly embraced.