It Is Possible
Endorsed by:
Two four star Air Force generals (one of whom is a former commander of STRATCOM),
Seven Nobel Peace Prize Laureates,
World leaders (both current and former), members of parliaments, high ranking UN officials,
Two Pulitzer Prize winning historians of nuclear weapons,
An Archbishop of the Catholic Church, an Episcopal Bishop (ret.), physicists, scholars, think tank founders, activists, and more.
“The most intelligent, comprehensive, and compelling argument ever advanced against nuclear weapons.”
George Lee Butler — four star U.S. Air Force general (ret.), former commander, STRATCOM.
“Ward Wilson's book makes me believe that the eradication of nuclear weapons is feasible in our lifetime.”
Oscar Arias — former president of Costa Rica and Nobel Peace Prize Laureate.
Oscar Arias talks about It Is Possible.
“If you only ever read one book about nuclear weapons, let it be this one. Easy to read, meticulously well-reasoned, it has an almost disarmingly straightforward answer for every conceivable challenge to the idea that a future free from nuclear weapons can exist. This guidebook for eliminating nuclear weapons will give even the most resolute cynic reason to hope that it is, indeed, possible.”
Emma Pike — Nuclear Disarmament Consultant & Activist.
"In this stunning, breakthrough work, Ward Wilson brilliantly dismantles the false claims about nuclear weapons that have kept a nuclear sword of Damocles over our heads for so long.”
Richard Rhodes — Pulitzer Prize-winning historian of nuclear weapons.
“This is a factual book, a book that draws on history, and that makes pragmatic arguments. If you are interested in a counterpoint to conventional thinking, if you want to explore new realist arguments about nuclear weapons, this is the book for you.”
Bernard Norlain — Général d’armée aérienne(2S) (ret.) [former commander of the conventional air forces of France];
President, Nuclear Disarmament Initiative.
“Arguably the most important contribution to the debate over the efficacy/fallacy of nuclear deterrence ever written.”
Martin Sherwin — Pulitzer Prize winning historian of nuclear weapons (1937 - 2021).
“Ward Wilson is the most innovative thinker about nuclear weapons anywhere. It Is Possible is truly a masterpiece. Its comprehensive analysis shows not only the uselessness of nuclear weapons, but outlines new ways of thinking about them that make their elimination not only feasible, but the only practical course for the survival of humanity. A fascinating read, it is well-worth the time of anyone concerned with the planet’s future.”
Barry Blechman — co-founder of The Stimson Center in Washington, DC.
“The policy-making elite in Washington can be slow to shift paradigms. Ward Wilson’s new book provides the paradigm-busting power of sheer realism and offers a megaton of hope. Read this wonderful book and save the world.”
Dr. James Keck — pastor, First Plymouth Church of Lincoln, NE
“Both practical and wise.”
Freeman Dyson — physicist, Institute for Advanced Study (1923 - 2020).
“The world doesn’t need nuclear weapons and this book proves this fact clearly and firmly.”
Dr. Shirin Ebadi — Iranian judge, activist, founder of the Defenders of Human Rights Center, and winner of the Nobel Peace Prize in 2003.
“You owe it to yourself to read this remarkable message of hope.”
Joe Morris Doss — Episcopal Bishop (ret.).
“A superb book, one that will make you think about nuclear weapons in ways you had not thought about before. It Is Possible by Ward Wilson is a must read for both policymakers and citizens alike."
Dr. Rolf Mützenich — Chairman of the SPD Parliamentary Group in the German Bundestag.
“Ward Wilson’s innovative proposals should be pondered by all those who wish a world free of nuclear weapons.”
Sergio Duarte — Former UN High Commissioner for Disarmament Affairs, Pugwash Conferences, Nobel Peace Prize Laureate.
“Provides the inspiration people need to eliminate these weapons”
Beatrice Fihn — Executive Director of ICAN (2014 - 2023) and Nobel Peace Prize Laureate.
“A book that should be read by every decision maker and everyone else across the world. Together we can end the insanity of nuclear weapons.”
J. Ramos-Horta — current president of Timor-Leste and Nobel Peace Prize Laureate (1996).
“On the first day of Pope Francis’s visit to Japan in 2019, he made a bold and historic statement that even possessing nuclear weapons is immoral. Unlike the destructive light produced by the bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, this new light that the Pope shed exposes the lie of deterrence and challenges all humanity to engage in a vital conversation that leads to multilateral, verifiable nuclear disarmament. It is in this light that I express gratitude to Ward Wilson, whose reasoned and compelling book demonstrates that a future without nuclear weapons is indeed possible. I encourage all those who care about humanity and our common home, Mother Earth, to read this book and to advocate for world-wide nuclear disarmament. The task has never been more urgent.”
Most Reverend John C. Wester — Archbishop of Santa Fe, New Mexico.
“Ward Wilson’s book assures us that our vision of a “world without nuclear weapons” is not only possible but the only rational way to protect humanity and the planet from another Hiroshima and Nagasaki.”
Taue Tomihisa — Mayor of Nagasaki (2007 - 2023).
“This highly readable book debunks the myth that nuclear weapons can’t be eliminated and shows clearly that, indeed, It Is Possible.”
Ira Helfand — past president of International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War (IPPNW), Nobel Peace Prize Laureate.
“At a time in my career when everything in the nuclear weapons debate seems stale and shopworn, I found It Is Possible full of original ideas, previously unused historical examples, and guided by an entirely new approach. I really like the way it takes realists at their word and then points out that a realist view of human nature would say that wars and mistakes will happen — which makes it all the more important to get rid of nukes. And I love the critique of the disinvention bull$#*&!”
Dr. David P. Barash — Professor of Psychology Emeritus at the University of Washington.
“United Nations Secretary-General Guterres, in his 2023 New Agenda for Peace, called for the elimination of nuclear weapons, describing them as an existential threat to humanity. It Is Possible overturns the framings the political establishment has maintained for decades and shows us novel and practical approaches to be advocates for the abolition of nuclear weapons.”
Angela Kane — former the UN High Representative for Disarmament Affairs and Under-Secretary-General for Management in the United Nations.
“Ward Wilson is known in his own country, in my country, and in nations across the world as a man of intellect and honour, who is dedicated to educating on behalf of a World Free of Nuclear Weapons. I am proud to endorse this important new book and the vital message that it carries for us all.”
Bill Kidd — member of the Scottish Parliament and long-time advocate for a world free of nuclear weapons.
“Ward Wilson puts together a carefully constructed, historically grounded, and detailed argument for why we should eliminate nuclear weapons. Best of all, the argument is based on realism, i.e., an approach that, in Wilson’s own words, ‘devalues fantasy, that prefers experience over sophisticated theory, that is willing to acknowledge the ugly and the flawed along with the good, and that takes facts with great seriousness.’ You, dear reader, should also take this book with great seriousness.”
M. V. Ramana — Professor and Simons Chair in Disarmament, Global and Human Security, University of British Columbia.
"Thoughtful and carefully crafted, with this book Ward Wilson continues his deconstruction of our reliance on nuclear weapons and demonstrates that it really is possible to eliminate them."
Tara Drozdenko — Director, Global Security Program, Union of Concerned Scientists.
“This book is a breath of fresh air in the Augean stables of standard commentaries about nuclear weapons. It turns the tables on the narrative that portrays disarmament as idealistic and nuclear weapons advocacy as realism. His call for a “realist revolt” offers a welcome remedy to the myths that have sustained nuclear arsenals for so long worldwide.”
Dr. Randy Rydell — Former analyst at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, the US Senate, the United Nations, and currently Mayors for Peace.
“Nuclear weapons can be eliminated. Ward Wilson tells us how.”
Jody Williams — founding coordinator of the International Campaign to Ban Landmines (ICBL), Nobel Peace Prize Laureate.
“I do not arrive at this debate about the role of nuclear weapons in the world today with an open mind. As a Rotarian and Peacebuilder for over 40 years, nuclear weapons are antithetical to everything that I hold dear. Therefore, I applaud Wilson’s work debunking the myths that surround this tragic human creation.”